Det harmar mej att jag inte sl?pade med kameran f?r den i telefonen orkar inte riktigt med fina vyer p? l?ngt avst?nd alls. S? bergen blir lite suddiga.
Men dessa berg, ?lskar dem. Det ?r n?got magiskt ?ver dem, en gammal urkraft som ger lite samma effekt i maggropen som havet g?r.
It bugs me I?didn’t bring the camera (had a lot anyway to carry) because the phone in the phone (that I had )?isn’t that good, is it..not for?landscape pictures. So these?mountains are a bit blurry. ?
But these mountains, love them. Its something magical over them. ?An old power somehow that gives the same effect as the sea does.?
S? m?nga g?nger vi hade surrat f?rbi havet med den lille p? baks?tet som pekat och ropat “simma i havet”. S? ig?r kv?ll gjorde vi en sv?ng dit…v?gorna var stora men d?r var andra barn och sm?barn och vi t?nkte att bara den lille ?r i pappas famn ut genom v?gbrytningen s? g?r det ju att flyta lite med sina armpuffar. Vi lade ner sk?tv?ska och handduk lite h?gre p? stranden (d?r det var torrt). De vadar ut genom v?gorna och simmar men pl?tsligt blir det h?gre v?gor och precis n?r han ska komma iland med den lilla s? sl?r en stor v?g med all kraft mot honom s? han tappar den lille. Jag rusar fram, s? ?ven n?gra spanjorer (det s?g v?rre ut ?n vad det var), men pappa f?ngade snabbt upp honom igen och det mest m?rkliga var att lillen sj?lv knappt hann med d? han inte alls reagerade? Inget gr?t, ingeting. Mest f?rbryllad ?ver vad som h?nde.?Lite snopen var han p? v?gen hem d? han satt och funderade “simma i havet, pappa tappade mej…” D? fick vi ber?tta att havet kan ha h?ga och farliga v?gor s? nu f?r vi se n?sta g?ng vi far (d? det ?r mindre v?gor) vad han s?ger, tror dock inte det ?r n?gon fara, han ?r s?pass fram?t och ivrig p? det mesta. Lille mannen.??
Precis p? samma g?ng kom denna stora v?g och bl?tte ner v?ra handdukar och min telefon (!) s? nu har jag ingen funkande telefon utan fick s?tta kortet i en mycket gammal vi haft liggande h?r hemma.S? nu undrar jag hurdan telefon jag beh?ver till n?sta? N?gon med bra kamera g?rna. ?Ge g?rna tips!
So many times?we’ve been passing the sea without going there and the little man always screams “want to go swim in the sea!”. So yesterday we did. The waves were quite high but?there were families and other small kids swimming. And in?daddys lap, what could happen? So they walked through the biggest waves and started to swim outside for a bit (with the armrings) and we put our stuff at the beach where it was dry..when they are trying to come back theres a big wave coming and pushing them so that he looses the little guy. I went there?immediately so did other spanish (it looked more?frightening than it was) but daddy?catches him fast again.?The funny thing was that the little man himself?didn’t say much (no crying,?nothing) he?probably?didn’t have time to react at all. Then when leaving he was thinking loud “daddy lost me..” and we had to explain that the waves can be very big and that we go another time when its better?circumstances. Little guy.??
At the same time this is happening the wave rolls over our stuff at the beach and my phone gets wet…so now its kind of dead. So if you have any suggestions on what kind of a phone (one pref with a good camera) I could buy please tell me.?
En till varm och solig dag idag. Blir lite bortsk?md med dem. đ Det ?r ?nd? s? varmt att mitt i dagen vill man inte vara ute, utan d? tar man sig g?rna till ett shoppingcenter med ac och svalkar ner sig.
Another warm and sunny day today. Get a bit spoiled with them. đ Its so hot at noon though so you don’t really want to be outside, then you rather go to some cool shopping centre ?with ac and cool down.?