Mera farv?l…v?r lilla, lilla Bob flyttade till sin foderv?rd f?rra veckan, faktiskt s? att man saknar denna lilla filur??. Alla v?ra utflykter med k?rran..det ?r en h?st med ett stort hj?rta v?ran Bob. Orsaken till att vi valde att ?nd? f?ra honom till foderv?rden (fast vi stannar hemma) var f?r att vi i princip kommit ?verens att det var fr?gan om tre ?r fram?t och att vi inte sett till s? vi har foder i dessa “foderbrist tider”. N?, n?sta sommar kommer han igen, v?rt hj?rta. Vi har ?nd? kvar stora h?sten med s?llskap, s? helt h?stl?sa blir vi inte.
More farewells..our little pony left us and moved to his “carer” last week. Really miss him though.?? Our rides with the cart…it is a horse with a big heart our Bob. Why did we send him away, when were going stay anyway..? Well, we had promised the “caretaker” that she can keep him for three years and we do have problems with the provender, lets see if we have enough to feed the two other horses that stayed. Well, next summer he will return anyway.??

Helgen, helgen h?rliga helg. Jag var p? auktion med en kompis och barnen hela s?ndagen. ?lskar auktioner. De har blivit mer och mer glest med dem med ?ren men ?n f?rekommer det. Nu var det en gammal stor g?rd i tur att s?ljas och nu ville de bli av med allting i princip. Ni vet vad man hittar p? gamla g?rdar i uthusen….massor med h?rliga grejer. S? gissa vem som bj?d..Det h?rliga ?r ju att man inte vet att man beh?vde det innan man har det. đ
Oh, weekend lovely weekend! We went to an auction with a friend and the kids. Love auctions! ?Although it has become more an more a rare phenomenon these days there still are some every summer. This time it was a big farmhouse and they wanted to get rid of everything. You know what you find at these places…wonderful stuff. So guess who made bids..The wonderful thing is that you did not know you needed it before you got it i your hands.. ;)?

N?gra grejer som kom med hem ?r en sj?manskista (kan man ha f?r m?nga?) ?ett 3 meter l?ngt bakbord, en b?nk d?r jag kan fixa ramar (nu ?terst?r bara att k?pa 3 till) lite gamla sj?kort, en tr?dl?da..smider ju en hel del ide?r igen hur galleriet kan utvecklas s? mycket ?r k?pt till det helt enkelt. Ber?ttar n?rmare om det mot v?ren. Ajo, pard?rrar i glas till v?rt ?nnu inte byggda uterum…d?r har jag lite t?nkt som s? att jag samlar p? mej fina f?nster d?rrar, tegelstenar etc. s? sen efter n?t ?r d? man i princip har huset i en h?g s? kan man b?rja s?tta ihop det. Allts? ett slags v?xthus men med plats f?r en matplats.
Some of the things that ended up with me is a seamanist (?) (any possibilities there can be too many?) one 3 m long baking table (?), one workbench (for my painting, the frames), old charts (?) when you navigated in the old days at sea (nice on walls), one wooden box, I do have new ideas for the gallery how to get it more attractive for next many of the things can be used there. I will tell you more about that next spring. Oh yes, door (or two, a double) of glass and wood to our?gardenhose that is not built yet. But?I’m thinking to start to gather the things needed for that house, so Ill get that old touch that I want, so now when I found doors (and I know its hard to find them) I just had to get them.?

Hundarna saknar vi ocks? med barnen. Helt underbart dock att se hur fin omv?rdnad de f?tt. De flesta familjer som varit nere i Spanien och sk?tt dem under sommaren (l?nade ut huset mot hundvakt d? Benny var h?r) har blivit f?rtjusta i dem. F?rsta familjen sku ta hem Chico eller mannen “bonda” d?r med honom… och sista familjens barn “gr?ter” efter Lucy.. En vecka med hundar (om man annars inte har djur) kan ju vara verkligt uppskattat f?r barnen speciellt. Med Lucy har de f?tt simma och leka i m?ngder kan jag lova.
Sista familjen fick ocks? tampas med myggor nattetid, stackare…hade ju inte skaffat n?gra myggn?t alls d? inga myggor synts till innan vi for. Nu finns det n?t i de flesta ?ppningsbara f?nster..
We do miss the dogs too. Wonderful though to see how well they’ve been taken care of. The families that have been in Spain (they could live for free in our house if they took care of the dogs). The first couple was going to take Chico home (the men really bonded there)..and the last family kids are “crying” after Lucy. One week with dogs, specially if you don’t have any animals back home, really can be life changing specially for the kids. With Lucy they had a blast I can promise, swimming with her and playing a lot, A LOT. ?;)?
Although the last family really had a lot of mosquitoes coming in at night…The mosquitoes weren’t there when we were so we hadn’t put any insect net in the there is..