Goodbye, farewell, auf wiedersehen….min k?ra, fick jag s?ga i morse. Nu har m?nga suttit och undrat vad jag ?menade med mitt f?rra inl?gg och endel har blivit lite klokare andra inte. Nu blev det s? att jag och barnen blev kvar p? ?land och Benny for. Benny ?kte till Spanien till sitt jobb, och vi f?r f?rs?ka f? ihop det titt som t?tt ?nd?. S? ?r planen. Familjesituationen gjorde s? det blev s? h?r nu. Man vill ju finnas d?r, n?r det beh?vs och b?de jag och barnen planerar ta extra l?nga skollov (m?jligt d? det ?r l?roplikt i Finland, inte skolplikt) och ?ka ner till pappa och d?remellan kan bara jag ?ka med den minsta eller han komma upp till oss. Pendla helt enkelt. ?Det betyder allts? att barnen forts?tter ett ?r h?r p? ?land i skolan och Spanien flytten blir fram flyttad till efter n?sta sommar.
Goodbye,?farewell, auf?Wiedersehen …my love, I had to say this morning. Many of you have been guessing what I meant by my last post some of you got to know, some did not. Well, now everything turned out this way; Im stayed here at Aland Islands with the kids and Benny went to Spain. He went for his work and from now on we meet every now and then (not too long between the meetings). Family situation turned out this way, this time. You have to be there when needed. Both me and the kids are planning on taking extra long vacations (longer than school provides) at x-mas, easter and spend weeks in Spain to see daddy. ?This is one of the great opportunities the?Finnish school system provides when?living in Finland. Its called compulsory education not compulsory school attending. Sometimes just me and the youngest can travel also, that makes it easier to meet daddy more often. Commute between Finland and Spain. Everything is possible. It means the kids will continue their education here this year and we?postpone our move until august 2019.
S? nu blir det “liv p? en g?rd” ett ?r igen. Tanken ?r att jag forts?tter mitt m?lande men mer p? allvar nu och den minsta kommer att b?rja p? daghemmet eller “dagis”. Det tror jag blir helt j?tte bra f?r honom d? han ?r s? social. Det som blir v?r st?rsta utmaning ?r planering…vi ska planera hela h?sten ?nda till jullovets slut i detalj s? vi kan best?lla flygbiljetter etc.. Det f?r ju inte g? f?r m?nga veckor mellan v?ra tr?ffar??
“Countrylife” starts again, for one more year. The idea is that I?ll continue my painting but more serious from now on, ant the little on will start daycare. That will suit him so well, extremely social as he is. Our biggest challenge will be the planning making. We would have to plan every week from now on until x-mas break is over, to get more cheep flights (to avoid too many weeks flying past without seeing each other)..?
Idag k?nns det som en post-traumatiskt stress h?ller p? att ta plats och tr?ttheten kommer som ett paket p? posten. Jag ?r helt slut. Hela sp?nningen runt b?ten, orsaken, t?cker f?rs?kring, t?cker den inte funderingar ..dessutom hela stora omv?ndningen gjorde mej full av herpes och helt slut. Men det blir bra. Det ?r jag ?vertygad om. Vi landar ocks? i detta. Som alltid.??
Today it feels like post-traumatic stress syndrome and the fatigue is approaching. Im so tired. The excitement about the boat that sank (our boat), why, the insurance.. does it cover, does it not…The big change made me full of herpes and I’m completely exhausted. It will turn out great though. We will “land” in this too. As always.??